Celestial Station is a series of images that Elvin Aliyev has created while experimenting with toon shading. His station in orbit is an infrastructure with an aerial (or celestial) transport system. His main source of inspiration is the work of Mœbius and its colorful metaphysical universes.
Solaris, Tarkovsky
Solaris is a 1972 science fiction film based on Stanisław Lem’s novel of the same name (1961). It’s the third Tarkovsky movie and takes place in the near future. After the discovery of the planet Solaris, an ocean of protoplasmic matter, a scientific space station was built in order to communicate with this creature. Despite the various experiments on this form of intelligent life, no convincing results could be obtained.
Ad Astra, James Gray
James Gray’s film presents an almost mythological quest, similar to Telemachus seeking Ulysses. Far from Itaque, it offers a set of visual atmospheres letting us plunge into the solitude of the infinitely large, into the despair of the infinitely empty.