The Green Cathedral is a landart project designed by artist Marinus Boezem. The installation consists of an artistic planting of Italian poplars that imitates the size and shape of Notre-Dame de Reims cathedral.
Michael Heizer, the Post Apocalyptic Sculpture of City
Since the early 1970s, Michael Heizer has been building City, a colossal sculpture in the middle of a desert in Nevada. Inspired by ancient cities, he erects monumental geometrical structures trying to represent a culture threatened by a post-apocalyptic future.
Espacio Escultórico, a Sculpture on Lava
The Espacio Escultórico is a monumental circular sculpture, 120m in diameter, located on a bed of volcanic rock, south of Mexico City.
Hannsjörg Voth, Connecting the Earth to the Stars
Hannsjörg Voth is a German artist mainly known for his Land Art constructions in the Moroccan desert. There he built different structures to connect the arid plain to the stars.
The Flevoland Observatorium
Robert Morris is an American sculptor considered one of the founders of minimalism and also an early practitioner of land art. The Flevoland Observatorium that he bult in Netherlands stages a megalithic representation of the passage of time.