The Hall of Nations was an exhibition hall inaugurated in New Delhi, India in 1972. Designed by Indian architect Raj Rewal and structurally engineered by Mahendra Raj. It was an integral part of the Pragati Maidan complex, built to celebrate 25 years of Indian independence. At the time, it was the world’s largest space-frame structure built in reinforced concrete.
The Green Cathedral, Marinus Boezem
The Green Cathedral is a landart project designed by artist Marinus Boezem. The installation consists of an artistic planting of Italian poplars that imitates the size and shape of Notre-Dame de Reims cathedral.
El baher malik, the sea is a queen
In Tripoli, Lebanon, the sea makes men and they recount the sea. In Tripoli, the sea is a queen, el baher malik.
Painting the Yellow Mountain, Francis Hamel
In the series Painting the Yellow Mountain, Francis Hamel sets up a dialogue between the steep mountains of Huangshan and the inaccessible high-rises of Hong Kong.
Tae Chosŏn chido, The Great Korean Ch’onhado Map
The Ch’onhado projection is a circular type of map centered on China and Korea. The Tae Chosŏn chido (litteraly the Great Korean Map) is one of its finest examples.
Sangath, Balkrishna Doshi
Sangath is Balkrishna Doshi’s own architecture studio, located on the outskirts of Ahmedabad, India. With its buried vaults, interior-exterior spatial combinations and traditional bioclimatic architecture, it represents a synthesis of the architect’s main concepts.
World Map centered in Rio de Janeiro
This map uses an equidistant azimuthal projection. This type of projection consists in defining a central point and represent each point of the map at a correct proportional distance from the defined center. This map is centered in Rio de Janeiro
Le logement dans la cité portuaire de Port-Saïd
In 1859, the town of Port Said was created around a port that received workers and equipment from Europe for the digging of the Suez Canal. Shaped as an artificial city by the European operating company, it stands out for its unique architecture in the classic forms of colonial architecture imposed by France on administered urban spaces.
Rakuchū-rakugai zu, scenes in and around Kyoto
Kyoto was the capital of Japan for over 1,000 years. Its grid layout, articulated around the imperial palace, has inspired numerous painters. The best-known theme is the Rakuchū-rakugai zu, a type of composition depicting scenes in and around Kyoto.
Escola Júlia Kubitschek, modern architecture and education in Brazil
The Escola Júlia Kubitschek was built by Niemeyer at a pivotal moment in his career. It is quite symptomatic of what defines his work; between structural experimentation, public buildings and relations with political leaders.